
Pour les programmes Office : interface intelligente pour la norme allemande GAEB

Si les entreprises européennes de construction sont intéressées par les appels d'offres de sociétés allemandes, elles doivent utiliser le format de fichier GAEB. En très peu d'étapes, les entreprises européennes de construction peuvent désormais procéder à un échange de données avec les architectes et les clients qui travaillent avec la norme allemande GAEB.   Pour ce faire, il suffit d'avoir une suite bureautique du type Microsoft Office ou une suite gratuite comme Open Office. Il suffit d'y rajouter, comme interface, le petit logiciel très pratique GAEB-Online 2016 de la société gaeb-online, de Walzbachtal. Pour une communication d'offre en Allemagne, l'architecte envoie à...

For Office applications: Intelligent interfaces to the German GAEB standard

If European construction companies want to participate in German invitations to bid, they have to use the so-called GAEB file format. At very little expense, European construction companies can now carry out a data exchange with architects and contracting authorities that work in accordance with the GAEB standard.   All it requires is to have an application package like Microsoft Office or a cost-free Office like OpenOffice available. The only other thing that is needed is the small but practical software app, GAEB-Online 2016 from the “gaeb-online company” in Walzbachtal which provides the interface. To communicate an offer in Germany, the architect...

This is how tenders in the construction sector are processed

Public tenders are particularly important for construction companies. A lot of paperwork is involved in submitting a bid on your own. The GAEB-Online 2014 software uses its own Office environment to fully digitize the process and do this in a completely user-friendly way. For many small craft businesses, public tenders are of major importance. Whoever participates in such a tendering procedure and receives the award would certainly have their hands full. For this reason, it is important to participate in as many tenders as possible. And so that filling out the forms will not take up too much time, the process...