
Submit bids digitally with GAEB-Online 2016

This is how tenders in the construction sector are processed: Submit bids digitally with GAEB-Online 2016! Public tenders are particularly important for construction companies. A lot of paperwork is involved in submitting a bid on your own. The GAEB-Online 2016 software uses its own Office environment to fully digitize the process and do this in a completely user-friendly way. New Version GAEB-Online 2016 For many small craft businesses, public tenders are of major importance. Whoever participates in such a tendering procedure and receives the award would certainly have their hands full. For this reason, it is important to participate in as many tenders...

GAEB-Ausschreibungen leicht gemacht

Um Aufträge zu erstellen und diese auch zu sichern, sind GAEB-Ausschreibungen für Baufirmen in Deutschland überaus wichtig, um den Tagesablauf übersichtlich zu gestalten. Aktuelle und überschaubare Tabellenprogramme wie zum Beispiel Microsoft Excel oder OpenOffice sind daher in vielen Firmen Gang und Gäbe. Mit der Software GAEB-Online 2014 werden die vormals angewandten Office-Programme erweitert. Vorteil: die Nutzer arbeiten im gleichen, bewährten Schema weiter, können jedoch Zeit und Geld sparen. In Windeseile können individuelle und praktische Berechnungen, Kalkulationen sowie Ausschreibungen vorgenommen werden. Der Aufbau ist hier dem Windowsprogramm Excel zugrundegelegt, welches beliebt und bekannt ist. Um die Arbeitsabläufe nicht durch neue Programmstrukturen zu...

Tenders from architects or planners

Increasingly, throughout Germany, tenders from architects or planners are arriving in electronic format as what are called GAEB RFPs in the email inboxes of workshops rather than arriving by post as in the past. However, the offer process of the workshops can only be improved if the offer price can be transferred easily and automatically into the GAEB tender. The planners and architects naturally prefer to get the offer back as a GAEB file if possible to avoid having to re-enter the offer price to perform a price comparison. If the items consist of many individual services, as is often...

The new GAEB-Online 2014 software

The new GAEB-Online 2014 software by the company gaeb-online in Walzbachtal enables tenders in accordance with the GAEB standard to be transferred in one click directly to Microsoft Excel for further calculations, for example. The Windows programme GAEB-Online 2014 can also be used with every other Office suite. Calculations can be done in OpenOffice® or LibreOffice® and direct transfer is always possible with the new software. Users can now perform all calculations in the spread sheet to which they are accustomed without changing systems or moving outside their comfort zone. Once the calculations are completed, the unit price is transferred...

What does GAEB stand for?

The German abbreviation GAEB stands for “Gemeinsame Ausschuss Elektronik im Bauwesen” [Joint Committee for Electronics in the Construction Industry] (www.gaeb.de). Public and private customers, architects, engineers and the construction industry in Germany are represented at GAEB by their respective umbrella organisations. GAEB promotes the use of data processing in the German construction industry. This involves the creation and revision of standardised documents for describing construction services, the development of a service specification, and process descriptions for electronic billing of volumes and construction work.

Integrate MS Excel® or OpenOffice

In addition to the proven Microsoft Office®, the so-called free office packages such as OpenOffice (Apache OpenOffice®) or LibreOffice® are enjoying growing popularity among users. It is for this reason that the developers of GAEB-Online 2014 have also placed great emphasis on import and export possibility of GAEB tenders in the OpenDocument format. GAEB tenders in the OpenDocument format With GAEB-Online 2014, you can now easily export a GAEB file with a single click as an OpenDocument Spreadsheet (*.Ods). Thus, an individual offer can also be directly calculated in OpenOffice (Apache OpenOffice®) or Libre Office®.

Calculate GAEB offers in MS Excel®

With the introduction of GAEB-DA-XML Version 3.2, the electronic data exchange via GAEB-XML in the construction industry is steadily becoming more important for all partners involved in the construction business. To match this, a completely new generation program is available under the name GAEB-Online 2014. For all those who want to use GAEB in combination with the Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet or a free office suite such as OpenOffice® in the best and comfortable manner, GAEB-Online 2014 is the optimal solution . Based on the GAEB-Toolbox deployed by many Software manufacturers, GAEB-Online 2014 with new technology, new and modern interface and...